Thursday, December 30, 2010


Christmas Eve and Christmas day we stayed home! We went to Grandma and Papas on the 26th and Visited Jonathan's mom, and Grandma on the 27th. It was nice staying home for the 2nd year in arrow. Although we missed our Grandma and Papa on Christmas day, it was nice not sitting in 4 hours of Traffic to get home. Which this year probably would have taken longer, because the 330 is now closed. Lucky us! They say it should be back open the beginning of summer.... I say it's going to take at least a year to fix. Projects that have to do with fixing roads, always take longer than expected. And in this situation, they can't just rebuild the road... nope, some of the road is to be never seen again! there is a big gap, and hole on the side of the mountain. So now its back to planning our trips down the mountain. :)

Sleeping Beauty on Christmas eve night!

Opening her stocking with her Daddy!

Mom needs to get in on the pictures too! :)

Daddy and Aurora playing with their new toys!

"Look mom!"

The famous Monopoly game on Christmas night. New rule, Adults only, no kids can play! :) it's a pretty intense game! Notice some kids are playing this game... They stopped the game kicked them out, and restarted.

Coloring :)

All the toddlers hiding out in the big kids room! :)

Opening presents at the Bunyea's house Christmas night

Watching a movie on Paige's new DVD player

No Hot Water

This is how mornings in the Trask home start. A cup of coffee for mom, and then starts the boiling of water. The first couple sets is for Aurora's bath, and then after that, is the water for doing dishes! :) This has been our life for a little over a week now. Under our house flooded during that HUGE rain storm, and it got into our water heater. We still have a couple more things to try before we have to call someone and pay for someone to fix it. Maybe tomorrow we will have hot water!! PRAY!
As for showering for us, we go over to Jonathan's Aunts house, thank God we have some family that live close!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

It's been a while

Enjoying our grapes in the morning!

Not the best picture of Aurora, but sure is funny. This is how taking the picture played out.
Mommy: "Aurora look at mommy and smile."
Aurora: hides her face in the table "Mommy no picture."
Mommy: "oh fine, maybe later."
5 min. later
Aurora: "Sarah picture!!!" and she makes this face.

Yes my child calls me Sarah, she's been calling me Sarah for a couple months now. It's either Sarah, or Mommy Sarah. It was funny at first, but now it kind of makes me crazy. So we are now in the process of correction her when she calls me Sarah. For about every 5 Sarah's that are said, there is 1 Mommy. :)

Very tired at youth group... and it hadn't even started yet.

Another pose of Aurora's! :)

Watching Aurora try to dress herself is always good entertainment for mommy. I offer my help just to make sure, but she always say no. Half the time she'll randomly walk out of her room with something awkwardly wrapped around or over her, with a huge proud smile on her face! She loves it when i tell her "Good job honey! oh you look so pretty!"

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Red Robin!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

It's SUMMER!!!

Summer is finally here! It was a little late, but I think I can forgive it! Aurora and I have been having a ton of fun being outside, and doing small special things together. Like after we go to the post office, we go to the gas station to get an ice cream bar, come home and sit on the deck and eat it together. Although the first day we did this, Snuggles wanted to join in on our fun, and when I turned my back to get the camera, she snatched Auroras ice cream bar. Aurora's little face was so sad, and the tears started coming, So I quickly gave her mine. As soon as she got the ice cream in her hand she immediately started yelling "NO! NO!" to the dog... That's our Aurora! :)
A very happy little girl!

This was torture for snuggles. Now when Aurora eats something out of her highchair I make snuggles sit and watch her. I'm training her not to eat Aurora's food, and so is Aurora!

Monday, May 24, 2010


We went camping with some friends in Joshua Tree! We had lots of fun hanging out and catching up. Aurora kept us very busy chasing her around, but she had a lot of fun.

From one extreme, to another! As we left Joshua Tree it started to rain, who would have thought that there was snow at home... Not us!!

Jonathan directing traffic, there was an Accident on the 330 on our way home, no one was hurt, but the sheriff wasn't there, and the lane going up the mountain was blocked. But thanks to Jonathan, he was able to get traffic going again!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I hate spiders with a passion, and I'm sure I'm not the only person either. Small spiders I will kill; Big spiders I will yell for Jonathan and he will catch them, look up what kind it is on the Internet to make sure it's not poisonous, and either toss it outside, or flush down the toilet. Now if Jonathan is not home and there a big spider on the wall, I will avoid it all day until he gets home, and let him take care of it.
Today I finished putting the rest of the crib under the house, what would have taken me 3 minutes to do, took me about 10 minutes to do, because the original person (who will remain nameless) put most of the crib down there, just kind of tossed it under the house right in front of the door that opens to under the house. I took time to organize a little more under there so it will be easier to get things, or put things away. I walked in the house and heard that Aurora was up form her nap, so I started pull things out to make her lunch, as I looked down to take the bread out of the bag, i see this on my shirt!!!!

After freaking out and saying a couple of cuss words... I flick the spider off of me and tear my sweatshirt off, and immediately start shaking my head checking my hair for more spiders. The spider that was on me is now in a zip-lock bag wait for Jonathan
There are moments in my life when I look like a complete idiot I'm very grateful that no one was there to see it... But today it would have been a really good laugh.

DARCI - It was a soda and rice flying out of your nose, trying to climb a fence, pee your pants moment!!! :)

I BLAME YOU NAMELESS PERSON! You know who you are!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Aurora and Snuggles

This is how Aurora gets Snuggles to chase her tail

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tim and Kylene!

After a LONG day of flying, we were very excited to see Tim.

Day before the wedding, all the guys went golfing. The girls had a brunch... which i didn't take any pictures at... I've been failing at pictures, but I just felt like enjoying the moments.

A typical day with Jonathan and Tim! :)

Mr. and Mrs. Trask!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring is here!

Spring is here, and it's time to start Gardening! Despite the snow that's still in our yard, me and Aurora made the best of it today! I love the stage that Aurora is in right now! Last year she would have eaten the dirt. And this year she is all about learning, and getting dirty! :) I can't wait for the rest of the snow to melt, so we can have more fun days like we did today!

Learning not to pick the green plants because they are going to be Beautiful flowers!

She did a very good job pick out the leaves

Getting dirty is so much fun!

Now it's time to play in the dog house!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Being a Silly Girl!

Painting with Aurora!