Sunday, June 6, 2010

It's SUMMER!!!

Summer is finally here! It was a little late, but I think I can forgive it! Aurora and I have been having a ton of fun being outside, and doing small special things together. Like after we go to the post office, we go to the gas station to get an ice cream bar, come home and sit on the deck and eat it together. Although the first day we did this, Snuggles wanted to join in on our fun, and when I turned my back to get the camera, she snatched Auroras ice cream bar. Aurora's little face was so sad, and the tears started coming, So I quickly gave her mine. As soon as she got the ice cream in her hand she immediately started yelling "NO! NO!" to the dog... That's our Aurora! :)
A very happy little girl!

This was torture for snuggles. Now when Aurora eats something out of her highchair I make snuggles sit and watch her. I'm training her not to eat Aurora's food, and so is Aurora!

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joven said...
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