Friday, March 6, 2009

I'm Not Tired!

My Night last night... Jonathan left to go to his fire meeting, and it was just mommy and Aurora.... plus the dogs. :+) As soon as daddy left, I fed her, then we played, then Bath time, some more play time with mommy, then i turned on a movie, and laid her in her play pin in the living room (i was trying to get her really TIRED) 10 min went by and she started this
She went on like this for about 20-30 min. and was making our dog eva CRAZY!!!!
So I made her a bottle, gave her a kiss and laid her down. She went down with no fussing. I thought I did a pretty good job, I really wore her out... right? WRONG! I heard little movements here and there, but for the most part, i thought she was sleeping. I was getting pretty excited! Some quite time! So i started getting ready for bed.... Then I heard THE RATTLE, at first i thought maybe she kicked it... then I kept hearing it... and then came the squeal!!!! And this is what i found.

Trust me her crib didn't look like that when i laid her down. it was all nice and neat and clean...


Kim said...

Oh, my goodness!! She is so adorable!!

Jenny said...

I love these ones of Aurora sitting up in her crib. So cute!!!

Love, Aunt Jenny