Wednesday, November 12, 2008


AURORA is getting bigger/chubbier! She loves to talk to us! She has such a sweet little voice! She love to eat her hands, and when she gets really mad and starts yelling, she tenses up her whole body and tries to sit up, I think it’s her way of working out her abs! :+) She loves her bouncer,(Thank you Christine and Andrew for letting us use it!) the past few days she’ll just sit there for 20 min, playing and talking, it’s a very nice break for mommy, plus it gives me time to do stuff around the house. She hasn’t been sleeping as much as she use to. But she sure does LOVE to eat! We pulled out her bumbo chair,(her big girl chair) She looks so cute in it. I can’t believe she’ll be 3 months this Sunday! I remember when Jonathan started the academy; She was only 2 weeks. And now the academy is coming to an end and she’s 3 months! Time sure does fly when you’re looking back.
Her new favorite thing is to watch/listen to her daddy play the ukulele. Some time that’s how she’ll fall asleep, I find it to be very sweet and cute!

JONATHAN is doing great in the Academy, we have 10 more days left until graduation! We both agree that the first 3 weeks were the hardest, and after that the weeks just started flying by. We are so excited for the Academy to be over, and we’re ready to take our next step! What is our next step? We will see!!!!! :+) God always seems to work everything out in our lives. I’m sure the beginning of next year we will have a change in our lives, It always seems to work out like that. But we enjoy it!

SNUGGLES has gotten a lot bigger, and also more protective over Aurora and me. Mainly Aurora. If at any time Aurora starts crying, she first starts off with licking her toes, because one time it worked, and she stopped crying and started giggling. And if that doesn’t work, she’ll come get me, and won’t stop whining until I pick her up. Or if Aurora is taking a nap and I’m on the deck sweeping, or raking leaves, and she wakes up, snuggles will lay by the front door whining until once again, I pick her up. At first I was worried about how snuggles would react to Aurora, but I’m not any more, I’m sure when Aurora is bigger, they’ll be trouble together.

We received very little snow, but enough to get us excited!

1 comment:

Carlee said...

What an incredible family you have. Awesome husband, sweet precious daughter, protective dog, and of course you, the perfect wife for Jonathan and God-ordained mom of Aurora. I miss you guys! What are you doing around Thanksgiving?