Monday, September 15, 2008

My Mr. August! :+)

Jonathan started the Fire Academy last week at Crafton Hills College. We’re both very excited he’s going through it. And we’re also excited for it to be over with; but that’s not for another 10 weeks. He’s doing good; lots of physical training early in the morning, so he comes home pretty tired. We don’t get to see each other much during the week. We only get to hang out for a couple of hours when he gets home, and that’s just being in the same room as each other, cause he has homework to do. We’re both are very excited when the weekends come! I find our weekends to be refreshing now.
I think my husband is amazing! And I’m so proud of him!


Carlee said...

We are so proud of him too--and of you for moving to a new place and now being home with a new baby by yourself. Way to go all three of you!

Christine said...

Ya Jonathan!!! I am very proud of both of you! Pretty soon this crazy time will only be a memory.

Kim said...

Sarah, we are very proud you, Jonathan & our precious Aurora! And we are praying for you three daily!! You are a very good wife and mommy!! Keep on, keeping on my sweet daughter, you are doing an awesome job!! =)

God bless your day as you rest in Him!! =)

Love you tons! Mom